Our Concrete Corrosion Mapping System (CCMS) can be used to satisfy the ASTM C-876 standard test method and the kit contains all equipment items that are needed to perform a corrosion survey on virtually all types of reinforced concrete structures, such as bridges, highway slabs and parking garages.
The CCMS contains the following items:
• LC-4.5 Voltmeter (Item #5203))
• Sponge Bottle Electrode - Copper Sulfate Version (Item #15625)
• RE-5U Electrode (Item #15109)
• Surfactant Solution, 4oz (Item #15628)
• Anti-freeze Solution, 8oz Bottle (Item #17105 )
• Copper Sulfate Crystals, 12 oz Bottle (Item #16906)
• 15” Intermediate Electrode Extension (Item #16200)
• Electrode Extension Adapter for LC-4.5 Voltmeter (Item #5701)
• Agra Reel with 250’ #16 AWG Red Wire (Item #30510-250)
• Pelican Carrying Case for CCMS (Item #CAS015)
• Foam Insert for CCMS Carrying Case (Item #CAS018)
• 6’ Banana Plug Test Lead (Item #34120)